Respect The Mower

When I was 11 or 12, one of my chores was to mow the yard with a gas push mower. I decided that mowing the neighbor’s lawns would be a great way to make some cash! At the time we lived in ‘faculty housing’, and there were no fences between houses, so once I started, I could just keep mowing!

As I started my second yard, I had this mowing thing down! I didn’t have a grass catcher on the mower, it was easier that way. As I began to go back and forth on the lawn, singing to my music, I wasn’t really paying attention to where I was. I heard a weird noise, and the next thing I knew, I was laying on the ground with a headache. I reached up to my forehead, and touched my head before I should have. I got up and ran in my house, and found a unicorn staring back at me! I had picked up a rock with the mower, and it had ricocheted off the house, and hit me square between the eyes! It was at this point that I realized I probably should be wearing some glasses to protect my eyes, and because I am so clumsy, maybe a helmet!


Paul writes “But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one.” 2 Thessalonians 3:3

Even when I don’t think things through and I do dumb and foolish things, like not watch where my mower is going, and get hit in the head with a rock, I know in my heart that God is watching over me. That doesn’t give me a license to do foolish things! I gives me an opportunity to learn how great God is, and that He is taking care of me.