Kim Partin

What WAS that?

I truly enjoy a good DIY project. I wanted to put up some whitewashed shelves in our guest room, to help complete the ‘beach look’ I was going for. I purchased some wood brackets, and a couple 1”x10” boards. I set out the some drop clothes in the garage and began the process for whitewashing these 2 shelves.
While I was brushing theses boards, I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. My first thought was ‘that was a huge bug.’ A few minutes later, I noticed movement again along the garage door. I put my brush down, and waited to see if I was going crazy, or if there was something in the garage with me. Sure enough, soon a little critter came running along the garage door. I jumped back and startled both us.
I ran in the house, grabbed my purse, ran back out, opened the garage door, and drove as fast as I could to the local home improvement store. I spent way too much time trying to find the best, most effective mousetrap they had. I hurried back to our home, set up a couple mouse traps along the garage door where I had witnessed the rodent, and went in the house to wait for something to happen.
I hadn’t waited 10 minutes, when a heard a ‘snap’. Reluctantly I headed out to see if the peanut butter had lured something into the jaws of death. Sure enough, there was a small mouse, one like I’d never seen before. I removed the carcass from the trap, baited and set that trap up again. I asked my neighbor to come and look at my ‘kill’. I had never seen a mouse like this. Is this what field mice look like in the Carolina’s? This little critter had tiny ears, a nub for a tail, and teeny eyes. He informed me that I had not captured a mouse, but a baby mole. Not long after that, I caught my second baby mole. Apparently, a mole had made a home in the garage, and had a couple babies.
In our daily lives, we get distracted by a little movement out of the corner of our eye. We get distracted by the ‘shiny objects’ or the easy way to do things. Paul tells us that we need to keep an eye out for the distractions in our lives.

‘I am saying this for your benefit, not to put any restrictions on you. I want you to do whatever will help you serve the Lord best, with as few distractions as possible.’ 1 Corinthians 7:35

Instead of finishing my shelves, I spent a lot of time getting 2 baby moles out of my garage, thinking they were mice, headed into my home. God wants us to keep our focus on the task at hand. Eventually I got refocused, and got those shelves done. God just wants us to stay focused on Him, and His good works.