Lost in Long Beach!

I’m sure you have experienced a time where you were new to an area, and you struggle a little bit to get where you need to go. I remember one of ‘those times’ quite clearly.
We had just moved to Long Beach, California. I got out my phone and followed the directions to the nearest Walmart to pick up necessities you need when you move to a new area. I loaded up all the containers and new ironing board that I just purchased in my husband’s little convertible sports car. Of course, the ironing board would not fit in the two-seater car, so I put the top down, and stood it up behind my seat. When I was loading the car, not thinking, I buried my purse under all the gray plastic bags. My phone was in my purse, so I needed to get home without the assistance of my GPS. I knew I needed to head east, and as I started home, I recognized one of the street names that ran close to our new home. With my ironing board in tow, I headed east. the street seemed smaller than I had remembered, but I knew the name of the street was right. As I traveled along, the street suddenly got smaller. There where several people standing along the street, staring at my little car with a ironing board sticking out. I didn’t think much of that, as the sight was quite comical.
As I drove a little bit further, the road opened up. In fact, it opened up a little too much. It looked like I was entering a parking lot. Upon investigation, I realized I was in a parking lot…. A parking lot for small jets. I had somehow entered the tarmac of the Long Beach airport. I had no idea that the road I thought I needed to take home stopped at the Long Beach airport and started again on the other side. I also had no clue that there were gates that crossed the street that opened for the trash trucks at that time that where meant to keep people like me out of the airport. A friendly police officer soon joined me on my tour of the tarmac, and got a good laugh when I explained what happened. The next time I came home from Walmart, those gaits were closed and locked up tighter than a drum.
I really thought I knew what I was doing and where I was going. There was a huge airport between me and my destination. If I would have used my GPS, it would have guided me around that airport, and gotten me home safe and sound. As we navigate our way through life, we need to use our Bible as our GPS. When we spend time in our Bible we grow in our relationship with the Lord. He will show us the way.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your path straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

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