Kim Partin


I recently visited my 2 little granddaughters who live in another state. Their mommy had to take a business trip, so I was lucky enough to hang out with the girls while mommy was out of town. We wanted to keep their routine going, so two of the days I took them to daycare for a couple of hours. The rest of the time we enjoyed playing at the park, drawing with chalk on the driveway, playing ‘beauty salon’, baking cookies, and hours upon hours of crafting. The day before I went home, I needed to check in for my flight; I was flying an airline that doesn’t assign seats, so it was very important to check in on time. I stayed at the school for an event the girls were doing, but as soon as they were done, I needed to rush to my daughter-in-law’s car to check in on my phone. On my way to the car, I realized that I had left my confirmation number at the house, so as I walked, I frantically searched my email to find my confirmation email. Not taking my eyes off my phone, I hit the unlock button on my keys, opened the car door, sat down, and continued to search my ‘Inbox’. I heard a horn honk, so I looked up to see what was happening. To my surprise, I did not see my purse in the passenger’s seat… something was wrong. I looked in the backseat, there were 2 car seats… one behind me, and one in the middle… that was right. I looked around the car…. I looked at the dashboard …. I looked outside the car …. this was not right! I was shocked to find, my daughter-in-law’s car right in front of me. I had mistakenly gotten in the wrong car. I exited the car as quickly and quietly as I could. A sweet mom holding an infant was walking right toward me. We made eye contact and she said, ‘Did you just get in my car?’ I apologized over and over again, and as I laughed, I explained that I was trying to check in for my flight home, I found a car that was the right color, and sat down in the wrong car. We both laughed. She said when she saw me sitting in her car, she must have been mistaken as to where she parked, so she was wandering around the parking lot looking for HER car. I told we both found it!

How many times do we walk through life, with our head down, not paying attention to where we are going or taking in life around us. We all have a goal that we are striving for. We need to keep that goal in mind. Although my goal was to get to my daughter-in-law’s car, get a little work done while the girls were in school, and have a great afternoon and evening with the girls, I was so distracted about getting checked in for the flight, I climbed into someone else’s car. When Paul was writing to the church in Philippi, he wanted to let them know that God can and will help keep us focused. God will clear our vision and help us keep our eyes on the goal.

‘So let’s keep focused on that goal, those of us who want everything God has for us. If any of you have something else in mind, something less than total commitment, God will clear your blurred vision – you’ll see it yet!  Now that we’re on the right track, let’s stay on it.’
Philippians 3:15-16

As you go through your week, month, year, look up. Keep your eye on where you are going. Know that the Lord can help you see through whatever is blurring your vision. Keep focused on the goal.