Kim Partin

Sledding and Santa

Christmas time is full of so many traditions. Everyone has different and amazing traditions, some based on where you live. Growing up in Montana, we had an annual party that was really fun, no matter what age you were. My dad was a preacher in one of the small churches in Bozeman. A few weeks before Christmas, he would have the entire church come to our house for a party. We lived on a hillside and had the perfect sledding hill right there at our house. People would bring their toboggans, sleds, saucers, and inner tubes to slide down the hill. The favorite was the toboggan. Our toboggan was made from wood, the front was curled back to push the snow out of the way, and it held six people. We would pile on the huge sled, tucking our feet into the person’s lap who sat in front of you. The more people you could pile on the toboggan, the faster it would fly. As it got dark and as everyone was too cold to stay outside any longer, we would all head into the house where my mom would have these giant pots of hot chocolate on the stove for everyone. What seemed like hundreds of families would gather, everyone warmed up with their hot chocolate, and all joined as my dad led us all in Christmas carols. Our evening would end with the children gathering near the Christmas tree, and Santa would come in with a bag of goodies. He would call us up by name, talk to each one of us, and everyone would receive a brown ‘lunch sack’ from Santa. These small brown bags had an orange, a candy cane, a handful of peanuts in the shells, and a baggie for ribbon candy. Each of us kids waited our turn to see Santa and enjoy our old-fashion ribbon candy and peanuts. (None of us really cared much about the orange.) This tradition was one of our favorite Christmas memories. We not only enjoyed the snow, the sledding, and a visit from Santa, but it was so fun hanging out with our church family, singing carols, and sharing this tradition with them.

‘Show family affection to one another with brotherly love. Outdo one another in showing honor.’ Romans 12:10