Hot Lunch on the Lake

Every year we would spend a week at the lake, playing in the water, waterskiing, and having a great time. Sometimes we would camp in a tent, and other times we would stay in a ‘cabin’. We would pack up snacks, lunch, chairs, toys, all the things we needed to stay out on the lake all day.
One day we went to the lake early in the season. It was really cold out on the lake, so we didn’t think the toddler grandkids would have much fun in the water, we decided to bring our portable bar-b-que with us, so we could have a warm lunch. We set up the coals and started the process for cooking some burgers. The boys and I began to build a sandcastle, while my husband and their parents got lunch ready. The water was high that year and there wasn’t much sand. We were hanging out in the dry grass. As the briquettes burned, the wind picked up, and the next thing we knew, the tall grasses along the shore caught on fire! My son-in-law grabbed the closest thing, a blow up raft, and started beating the fire. My husband followed suit, and picked up a noddle, and started banging the small flames. I looked up, grabbed the sandcastle bucket, scooped up some lake water, and threw the water on the growing flames. The guys looked at me, looked at each other, then they both grabbed sand toys, filled them with water, and put out the fire. Once the threat was over, we all laughed until we cried. I asked the guys what they were thinking using the air raft, and foam noodle to knock out the fire, when we had an entire lake at our disposal? They laughed and said all they could think about was not allowing the small fire to turn into a forest fire. We laughed as we picked up the remnants of the raft and the melted foam noodle. We all enjoyed the charbroiled hamburgers and continued laughing at the potential fire.
So many times a situation arises in our lives and we try to handle things ourselves, just like those guys grabbing the raft and the noddle to put out the fire themselves. God had provided a lake there of miles and miles of water, all they needed to do is use a small amount of water that had been provided to put out the fire.

“I am convinced that my God will fully satisfy every need you have, for I have seen the abundant riches of the glory revealed to me through the Anointed One, Jesus Christ.” Philippians 4:19

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