On Target

Every parent knows that a refrigerator box makes the BEST toy. My husband tells the best story about how he and his best friend in middle school had some fun with a refrigerator box.
His friend was given a bow and arrow set, and the two boys couldn’t wait to play with it. Someone down the street had gotten a new refrigerator, and had left the box on the street, so the boys grabbed the box and took it to a small field behind the house. They had this great idea to make a target on the refrigerator box. Once the target was on the box, they had even a better idea. The put the refrigerator box on it’s side, so now the target was on one end, and they cut a hole in the other end, so the target and the hole were side by side. These ingenious boys came up with a plan where they could take turns crawling in the box and watch the arrow as the other shot the arrow at the target. The bow and arrow belonged to my husband’s friend, so it was only right for him to shoot the first arrow. My husband took his position in the box, his friend walked off several steps, turned, and pulled back the bow and took aim at the target on the box. He let the arrow fly. As he watched the arrow fly, it went directly in the small hole in the box that my husband was using to watch the arrow hit the target. Suddenly the entire box was shaking. The shooter put the bow down and ran to the box to figure out what happened. He was so relieved to see my husband laying on the ground, laughing so hard that he was shaking the box. They both sat inside that big box, recounted what had just happened from their point of view, and laughed at each other. One boy missed the huge target they had made, yet he shot that arrow into the small peephole… while the other boy hit the ground as soon as the arrow left the bow.
That day, these two boys truly were protected and had someone watching over them. These two could have had a terrible accident, but they were fine, and walked away with a new respect for a bow and arrows as well as a really funny story.

“You will be guarded by God Himself. You will be safe when you leave your home and safely will return. He will protect you now, and He’ll protect you forevermore.”

Psalm 121:8

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