
During the summer, once our grandsons were old enough, we would grab them and they would stay with us for a week here and a week there. One year we picked them up the day before Father’s Day. On Father’s Day we all got up and went to church. The boys did a great job listening to the sermon.
After church we packed up a picnic lunch and jumped on the boat. We pulled the boys around on the tube, laughing and bouncing all over the place. We dropped the tube off on the dock, and headed out for a boat ride, and look for a place to have a picnic lunch.
Not long after we took off, we saw a boat, whose driver was trying to get our attention, waving oars in the air. I asked my husband to head over to the stranded boat, to see what we could do to help. The driver of the stranded boat proceeded to tell us he had run over a submerged log in the lake, ruined his prop, and needed a tow to the launch ramp were his vehicle and trailer were waiting for him. We said sure, tied his boat to the back of ours, and began the slow journey to the public launch ramp.
We decided to make the most of our time, so as we traveled, we pulled out our little table, and had a picnic as we putted down the lake. It was really nice, we weren’t sitting still, so we had a little breeze as we enjoyed our picnic lunch.
When we got to the launch ramp, the grateful boaters asked us how much they owed us. They realized that we had not only burned a lot of gas, but quite a bit of time as we towed them back to safety. When we refused money, our new friends were shocked! Who turns down money?! It was so great to be able to show our grandsons what our pastor was talking about that day, and that it’s not hard to use what God has blessed us with to help others… or bless others.
Our pastor took a unique look at the scripture in Luke where he shared the story Jesus told about taking care of the little things, and when we do, God will give us more. The bottom line of his sermon was, “The only thing that has the ability to grow your capacity… is generosity.” We talked to the boys about how God has blessed us, and that day we were able to use that fun boat to bless the stranded boaters. God created us for Ministry, not money. Our ‘Ministry’ that day was to help those stranded people on the lake. We were able to show our boys that Ministry is not what we do, it’s who we are.

“The one who manages the little he has been given with faithfulness and integrity will be promoted and trusted with greater responsibilities. But those who cheat with the little they have been given will not be considered trustworthy to receive more. If you have not handled the riches of this world with integrity, why should you be trusted with the eternal treasures of the spiritual world.” Luke 16:10-11 (tPt)

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