Christmas Carol’s Our Way

I enjoy driving around with our grandsons, but I LOVE jumping in the car, turning on Christmas Carols and singing with the boys at Christmas time. My favorite memory of singing with the boys was when we were leaving the grocery store and headed home to fix dinner. ‘Here We Come A-Caroling’ came on the radio, and all of us broke out in song. It wasn’t pretty, but it was fun. I noticed the words coming from the backseat here and there were a bit different than I remembered. I sat back and listened carefully to what the boys were saying. When the chorus came back around I heard the words ‘… Oh-oh Tithings of Complete Joy… Complete Joy, Oh-oh Tithings of Complete Joy.’ It was so cute, but I needed to keep my giggles to myself. When the song was over, I asked the boys what the song was about. They shared with me that we should tithe, when we do, God will bless us in different ways, but most of all, that tithing will bring JOY. They continued to tell me this song is about tithing at Christmas. I will always remember their version of this Christmas carol, and secretly I will sing this carol the way the boys taught me from now on. As I giggled to myself, it made me feel so proud. I was proud my daughter and son-in-law taught these young boys that tithing, giving 10% of their money to God, if done with joy, will bring you even more JOY. I was proud of these little guys understood the concept of giving God your very best.

“Glorify God with all your wealth, honoring him with your very best, with every increase that comes to you. Then every dimension of your life will overflow with blessings from an uncontainable source of inner joy!” Proverbs 3:9-10

Blog - Christmas Carols Our Way