Kim Partin

Her Bite is worse than her Bark

It’s funny, sometimes we get a little confused between what is right and wrong. Even when things seem like we should know the right choice, and it should be very evident, but so many times we make the wrong decision. It brings to mind a time when we were living in southern California. We wanted to do something fun for our dogs, so we put them in the car, and took them to ‘Dog Beach’. This is one of the only beaches in So Cal that dogs are welcome all year long. I had a dual leash that had one handle and then split into two leashes. I put our black Pomeranian with beautiful long hair on one side and our tiny white Chihuahua puppy on the other leash. As we began to walk this dynamic duo down the beach, our Pom looked so majestic with his infectious smile and his beautiful hair flowing sideways in the ocean breeze as he pranced along the water’s edge. He welcomed all the attention that came our way, trying to get as many people to pet him as possible. Our ‘sweet’ chihuahua puppy on the other hand, was intimidated by all the people and the other dogs, so much so that she began to bare her teeth, lunge forward, and ended up on her back legs, growling and snapping at everyone. Despite the fact the adorable little puppy was acting like a tiny monster, people would ask if they could pet the crazy attack puppy standing on her back legs showing all her baby teeth, as they ignored the sweet, beautiful, lovable Pomeranian. As we ambled down the beach with a prancing dog and the psycho attack pup, we laughed and wondered WHAT people were thinking. It seemed everyone we passed on the beach wanted to pet the psycho puppy, and ignored the smiling majestic Pom. People gravitated to the little puppy, even though she growled, snapped, and bared her teeth at them.
How many times in life do we make wrong decisions, when the right decision is right there in front of us? Sometimes we need to slow down, and figure out what is right, and what is wrong in any situation. Maybe we only see the cute little puppy, and we overlook the fact that the little puppy might harm us. We find ourselves trying to make the crazy psycho puppy to love us, instead of loving on the older, beautiful, sweet Pomeranian that welcomed any and all the attention.

“Do not quickly decide whether something is right or wrong just because of what you see. Instead, think carefully. Then you will decide in a right way.” John 7:24