Kim Partin

Math Teacher

Our oldest granddaughter was in kindergarten, and she could not WAIT to share some of her knowledge with everyone at home. As we visited on Facetime, she could not wait to teach me some math. She set the phone down, and while I was watching the ceiling fan spin, she ran into the other room. She came back a few seconds later with her dad’s fancy calculator. She then shows me the screen on the calculator and began to read it to me…. 3 + 3 = 6. Then she announces…. “See, I’m a math teacher. I can make three plus three equal six!” She was so cute, so confident, and so proud of herself.
In this time of isolation, social distancing, and all the media feeding into our fear of catching this scary virus, I wanted to look for the joy that is going on in your shrinking surroundings. I’m thankful for Facetime, Skype, Messenger, Groupme, Zoom, Teams, texting, and every other way to reach out to people we love. Our kids can interrupt us, frustrate us, and ask way too many questions as we try to work from home. I want to encourage you to embrace the ‘madness’ and find the fun, the joy, the funny things your kids do and say. We can find the positive and rejoice in the fact that we can be quarantined together, as a family, and not is sperate places.

Rejoice in the LORD always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Philippians 4:4