Kim Partin

Team Work

One thing we love about living on the lake is that as long as the weather cooperates, my grandsons and I can go out in the boat whenever they are visiting us.  Our favorite things to do are wakeboarding, skiing, but the thing they enjoyed the most was to both climb on the tube and see how long they can last.  When it is the three of us, we attach a rearview mirror to the boat windshield so that I can see them as I drive. 

On one of those days, the weather was great, the water was calm, and there were no other boats out taking advantage of the beautiful day.  The three of us headed out on the water, and both boys climbed on the floating tube built for two.  I would serpentine around the cove of the lake where we lived, doubling back over my own wake which would catapult them in the air.  The question was, could they stick the landing.   They got into a routine as they switched from one of the six handles to another, but also grabbing each other’s life jacket of as they almost fell off.  The older grandson would grab the younger one’s jacket, and drug him back onto the tube, as he yelled, “NO man left behind!”  sometimes they ended up back on top of the tube, only to crash into a wave and fly through the air, as they ended up with a face full of water. 

As I look back on that time, it makes me smile.  These boys had so much fun working as a team.  They found that they were stronger together. 

“How truly wonderful and delightful
to see brothers and sisters living together in sweet unity!”  Psalm 133:1