That’s What I’m Talkin’ about!

As we were raising our kids, we encouraged them to get involved in ‘extra circular activities’. We tried to expose them to different sports and different activities, so that they could choose what they enjoyed most. Our son LOVED basketball, and because he had a passion for it, was pretty good.
When he was in seventh and eighth grade he was asked to play on an ‘All Star’ team. We traveled all over Southern California every Saturday.

There was one game that stands out in my mind. It was a super close game. All the parents from both teams sat on the same bleachers, right next to each other. The parents from the other team just knew their boys were the next Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Stephan Curry, or even Kevin Durant, and wanted everyone in the building to know about it. There were a few parents that were very vocal and tried to intimidate our boys by yelling unkind things to these innocent Middle Schoolers. We had run into a couple teams like this before, so I began carrying a sucker in my purse, and when the other parents were obnoxious, I would stick a sucker in my mouth so that I would not say the first thing that came to mind.

As time was running out, our team was behind. My husband and I quietly sat there, (me with my sucker in my mouth) as the parents from the other team really became obnoxious. We were down by four points with just a few seconds left. Our boys took the ball out, my son dribbled up the court, pulled up, and sunk a three point shot while being fouled. He went to the line and sunk the ‘and one’ to tie up the game! The big-mouthed parents were stunned! The next thing I knew, my husband jumped to his feet and yelled “That’s what I’m talking about!” Everyone in the building turned and stared at him in silence. The game went into overtime, and unfortunately, we lost the game by two points. After the game one of the dads from the other team kept taunting my husband with ‘That’s what I’m talkin’ about.’

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My husband had been so good to keep his mouth shut, and not get drug into a war of words like a few of the other parents had done. When our son tied up the game, he just could not hold it in any longer, and yelled something positive… in a passive-aggressive way, only to have to eat his words later. The other team’s parents showed no grace and continued to be ugly to our guys after the game.

There is never a good time to talk harshly to anyone or about anyone, but there is no place or time that adults should bully kids that are trying to do their best. The kids were awesome, but they parents of the team we played that day angered everyone in that gym.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” Proverbs 16:24