Manna From Above

When my kids were three and five, I enrolled them in a gymnastics class, hoping this would help my son learn to tuck and roll as he did his ‘daredevil’ antics. As we walked into class the kids were digging in my pockets for fruit snacks before we all got to the class. As we left, the kids were clambering about the new tricks they had learned that day. Just outside the classroom, I found a $20 bill! I asked around, but the only conclusion was that it was ‘manna from above’! I got super excited! We had a great opportunity to go out to lunch with our ‘found money’! We went to McDonalds, and the kids got to get anything on the menu! They had McNuggets, fries, sodas, even a McFlurry! …all the things we never get! We laughed, joked, the kids played in the playground, and had a great lunch, not worrying about money. Finally it was time to gas up my pickup, and head home. We pulled into the gas station, and I reached in my pocket for my cash to pay. I search ALL my pockets! I searched my purse, I searched the truck, and my $20 bill was missing! I mentally retraced my steps, then realized that I had just bought l lunch with my gas money! That ‘manna from heaven’ actually came from my back pocket! I reached into my purse, dug through my ash tray, and grabbed all my change, and put as much gas I my tank as my change would allow.
That day, my kids and I felt so blessed! We had a great lunch, without a care in the world. We ended up with enough change to get us by. We need to live in God’s freedom….
“Don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries.”(Matt 6:34).Blog - Manna from Above pic