Team Work

One thing we love about living on the lake is that as long as the weather cooperates, my grandsons and I can go out in the boat whenever they are…

Out of Control

When I was fifteen years-old we moved from Montana to California. I had my driver’s license, so I did most of the driving. With my mom riding shotgun, and my…

Gone Fishin’

Thanksgiving one year my younger sister, three of my cousins, and I headed out on an adventure. We were a bit bored while hanging out at my Aunt and Uncle’s…

Passport Home

Parent fails happen at all ages. Some are more devistating than others. This time I didn't know if we were going to make it back into the United States!


Hurricanes. Coming from the west coast with fires and earthquakes, one really doesn’t have time to prepare. You can have a plan in place, but you have little to no…

Heads Flew

It’s funny, when we moved to a lake on the East Coast, in so many ways, we had no idea WHAT we were getting ourselves into. Escrow closed, and we…