
For our granddaughter’s third birthday I flew out to celebrate with her and her family. I was so excited to see my son and his family, and in turn they…


My husband has worked in the same industry most of his life, but he has changed jobs quite a few times. These various jobs have taken us to many fun…


The earliest family vacations that I remember while living in Montana were at Flathead Lake. We would go with serval other families that owned boats, and we enjoyed all kinds…

The Titanic

While living in Southern California, although we owned a boat, we did not live close to a lake. We would travel to northern California or head to Nevada or Arizona…

New Years Magic

New Years around our home is usually pretty dull. While living in California, we would celebrate New Years on New York time or Texas time; that way our kids were…


From my earliest memories, Christmas morning has always been magical. We would go to bed on Christmas eve with nothing under the tree. Christmas morning we would wake up to…

Sledding and Santa

Christmas time is full of so many traditions. Everyone has different and amazing traditions, some based on where you live. Growing up in Montana, we had an annual party that…